Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dear Readers,

I am tired of keeping my thoughts and beliefs to myself, especially when new ideas and new voices are needed in America today.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss what Conservatives can do to get themselves together and win back America, on the local, state and national levels. I believe that America has been so successful thus far because of its traditional values and idealistic ends, but also because of the Founder's knowledge of human nature and realistic means to attain their ends.

However, current Republicans have lost sight of those goals and how to get there. Republicans can win favor in America again, but only by working hard with honesty, intelligence, humor, savvy and love for America and human life.

I know for a fact that there are hundreds of young conservatives graduating from college and entering the workforce who believe in traditional Conservative values - family, hard work, free markets, equality and freedom - and are ready to take America back, from Obama and McCain.

So, for the true Conservatives out there, here is our game plan from the late and beloved Tony Snow:

Right now, the world needs us. We need to let everybody know that we are not going to go slinking into the sunset, we are not going to fold our tents, and we are not about to walk
away from the high ideals and the grand accomplishments that we have achieved over the last generation.

So to the Doubters, to the Disconsolate, and especially to the Democrats:
Pass the Word -
We've Just Begun to Fight

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