Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Tonight, one of my favorite buildings will light up red tonight. I have actually lived with The Empire State Building on the same block for three years and have always loved the different colors it is lit up with every night.
It has been red before, for Christmas, Valentine's Day, July 4th, etc... However, tonight, it will be red celebrating a different day: the Communist takeover of China which resulted in the brutal murder of millions of people.

Here's the rest of the details from Fox:

NEW YORK — New York is seeing red over the decision to turn the city's highest beacon — and one of America's symbols for free enterprise — into a shining monument honoring China's communist revolution Wednesday night.

The Empire State Building is set to be illuminated in red and yellow lights to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the bloody communist takeover.

Why would America, which is supposed to be a land of liberty and "a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere" now shine it's lights in favor of totalitarianism and torture?


  1. Who makes these decisions? Is it Bloomberg? We need to find out who is responsible for this glorification of Communism.

  2. Probably Bloomberg, to make money...and Obama....and who knows who owns part of the building? The Chrysler Building is now mostly owned by Abu Dhabi.
