Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Tonight, one of my favorite buildings will light up red tonight. I have actually lived with The Empire State Building on the same block for three years and have always loved the different colors it is lit up with every night.
It has been red before, for Christmas, Valentine's Day, July 4th, etc... However, tonight, it will be red celebrating a different day: the Communist takeover of China which resulted in the brutal murder of millions of people.

Here's the rest of the details from Fox:

NEW YORK — New York is seeing red over the decision to turn the city's highest beacon — and one of America's symbols for free enterprise — into a shining monument honoring China's communist revolution Wednesday night.

The Empire State Building is set to be illuminated in red and yellow lights to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the bloody communist takeover.

Why would America, which is supposed to be a land of liberty and "a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere" now shine it's lights in favor of totalitarianism and torture?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Starbucks Mocks Concerned Citizens from Town Halls

I guess Starbucks, (and SNL, who first played this commercial) finds it humorous that American citizens are concerned about their health care, the top issue being debated in DC and probably will be radically changed by President Obama.
I have no problem with SNL making fun of both sides of politics, they used to do a good job at it, but I'm pretty sure if it had been the Democrats yelling at Town Hall Meetings this summer, this commercial would never have existed.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Peace Through Strength

President Obama, speaking for his first time at the United Nations World Summit, called for all the nations of the world to come together to fix the problems of our time: eco-preservation, global warming, the economy, and to work for a post-atomic age. He hopes that America can lead the world to peace without existence of nuclear weapons. Speaking specifically of North Korea and Iran, Obama said they “must be held accountable” for their disregard of UN policies and agreements in building nuclear weapons but includes that other nations cannot have weapons either.

Now, this sounds good, but there is a major problem with President Obama and others who hope for a post-atomic age. They are not understanding or considering normal human nature. If there are no consequences for bad actions or no authority with the power to stop someone from doing something, they will do it.

Do we wish there could just be world peace? Of course. But we have to realize that it will never happen. There are too many people with different beliefs and different values. Unfortunately, some nations’ ends are to rid the world of the infidels.

So what should America’s response be? Former Speaker, Newt Gingrich, once said that just because we don’t want to war doesn’t mean that others don’t want to war with us. We have to have the means and the willingness to fight.

Peace through strength. President Reagan faced a similar bully when he was in office, and the fear of the seemingly imminent Cold War had been feared for years before.

Notice, President Reagan was one of the most courageous Presidents who talked tough to Russia, yet he won the war without one bomb.

He understood that trying to appease an enemy will not help us; it is wimpy and un-American. So he stood up to the Soviets. He told them no. And he accomplished peace through strength.

America needs to stop asking terrorists to stop killing people, pretty please?

Too bad Joe Wilson isn’t in the audience for Iran’s President Ahmadinejad’s speech.

For your comparing pleasure:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dear Readers,

I am tired of keeping my thoughts and beliefs to myself, especially when new ideas and new voices are needed in America today.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss what Conservatives can do to get themselves together and win back America, on the local, state and national levels. I believe that America has been so successful thus far because of its traditional values and idealistic ends, but also because of the Founder's knowledge of human nature and realistic means to attain their ends.

However, current Republicans have lost sight of those goals and how to get there. Republicans can win favor in America again, but only by working hard with honesty, intelligence, humor, savvy and love for America and human life.

I know for a fact that there are hundreds of young conservatives graduating from college and entering the workforce who believe in traditional Conservative values - family, hard work, free markets, equality and freedom - and are ready to take America back, from Obama and McCain.

So, for the true Conservatives out there, here is our game plan from the late and beloved Tony Snow:

Right now, the world needs us. We need to let everybody know that we are not going to go slinking into the sunset, we are not going to fold our tents, and we are not about to walk
away from the high ideals and the grand accomplishments that we have achieved over the last generation.

So to the Doubters, to the Disconsolate, and especially to the Democrats:
Pass the Word -
We've Just Begun to Fight