Friday, February 12, 2010

Scott Brown, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party

I have been catching up on political media during this Mid-Atlantic blizzard, I wanted to bring to your attention some of the commercials Scott Brown played in the Massachusetts special election, as Republicans should take notes on how he successfully ran his campaign and focused on the issues, in a positive, humble and American way:

Congratulations to Scott Brown! He won as a Republican in a very liberal state by focusing on the issues:
jobs, health care, and foreign policy

On another note, I am very happy that the Tea Party Movement has garnered such media
attention. The Tea Party participants are not freaks,as the liberal media likes to portray them,
but rather real Americans, who while usually like to quietly live their lives,
have had enough with the federal government's intrusion into their personal lives.
I also think its fabulous that Sarah Palin was invited to speak to them, as she is one of the few
Republican megastars who is outside the Beltway and still has more in common with average
citizens than the suits in Washington.Conservatives are making a huge comeback, but a
note of warning: the only chance that Democrats have in keeping their majority
in the mid-term elections this fall is to drive a wedge between the GOP and the Tea Party.
Conservative Americans could have the majority in the vote, BUT if we split the vote, the
Democrats will surely win again.
We can not let that happen, we've got to unite on the big issues that we all agree on:
jobs, health care, and foreign policy, just
as Scott Brown has proven will work.

I'd be happy to hear your thoughts!

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